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Want to be a member?

  1. Go to

  2. Click “Become a Backer

  3. Fill in your name, email, create password and click "I'm not a Robot" and click "Submit"

  4. Log in with your email and password you just created

  5. Click “Find a Chapter” on the top menu

  6. Type in “44121” in the Search Box

  7. Find the "Browns Barkers" pin on the map and click”

  8. Click "Request to Join"

*If done correctly you should see a message saying

"Your request has been Submitted"

$40 Yearly Member Fee

 *due at the time of registration*

Can be paid by:

  • Cash or Check: leave an envelope at 

the bar with your name, email,

and phone number on it.

  • Venmo: @BlackForest-BrownsBarkers

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